Social Media Etiquette Roundup: Understanding Cultural Norms

photo by Jaycross

photo by Jaycross

There seems to be a favorite type of blog post addressed to the new social media user: “What To Do On… (name of social media network).” Along with blog posts, there are FAQs on almost every forum, listserv, and social network. Why do we need these posts? Each participatory media has its own culture and cultural norms. Part of the beauty of participatory media is that the participants actually want you to participate and reap the benefits of participation.

The culture of each social media network is entirely different. I would never write a blog comment with the same informality with which I’d write on a Facebook Wall. Not even to the same person. A Facebook friend always starts his updates with “…has just updated his professional blog. Check it out!” He acts similarly on Twitter. He doesn’t know that participatory media means…participating and not advertising.  A little bit of cultural orientation would probably increase his business three-fold.

Non-profits often make the same mistakes as people. Many smaller non-profits that I work with are just beginning to dive into social media, but are intimidated by the cultures.  They want to engage meaningfully, but don’t know how to start.

I want you to create meaningful conversations with your stakeholders.  I have compiled a list of etiquette and cultural orientation advice about using each of the  major social media networks and tools on the web.

Enjoy and, if you appreciate these tips, pass them along. If you have additional links or tips, please let me know.  I look forward to conversing with you on the web!

Twitter Etiquette

14-Point Guide to Twitter Effectiveness (and culture):Writing My Twitter Etiquette Article: 14 Ways to Use Twitter Politely

Chris Brogan: Social Media Is No Place for Robot Behavior

Mashable’s Top 10 Reasons I Will Not Follow You In Return on Twitter

Great cultural tips from Twitip (and a good twitter resource): Use Twitter for Your Business the Right Way

Blog Etiquette

Good overview of blog etiquette: Blog Etiquette

The cultural norms for blog comments: Blog Etiquette and Commenting

Nice roundup of blog etiquette from several blogs: Blog Etiquette or Blogtiquette

Good tips on making your blog look & conform to the cultural norm: 10 Mistakes That Could Be Killing Your Blog

Culture of blog linking: Why No One Links to Your Blog

Facebook Etiquette

A whole blog only about Facebook etiquette here!

A personal coach’s experience of the two cultures: Twitter vs. Facebook culture

Friending on Facebook: The Facebook Commandments

Facebook etiquette for the college crowd:The Dormdelicious Guide to Facebook Etiquette

MySpace Etiquette

Suite 101 Roundup: MySpace Etiquette Tips

Nice perspective from the college crowd: Cyber Etiquette: The Do’s and Don’ts of MySpace

Bebo and MySpace etiquette: Bebo and My Space–Yes, My Love…There are Rules

LinkedIn Etiquette

From a reputation management expert’s perspective for both the business and the individual LinkedIn Etiquette: Five Do’s and Don’ts

Good LinkedIn and Networking Etiquette Post: Etiquette for LinkedIn and the Professional Networking World

From LinkedIn Blog: 7 Rules of LinkedIn Etiquette

Social Bookmarking Etiquette

Mashable’s great tips on using StumbleUpon and understanding its community: How to Get the Most Out of StumbleUpon

Thoughtful guide to social bookmarking etiquette, in general: Social Bookmarking Etiquette

YouTube Etiquette: Be A Good YouTube Commenter

Podcast Etiquette

Podcast Etiquette: How To Make Your Guest Look Like a Star

Very comprehensive overview of Podcast Culture (note: cannot find more recent information): Podcast Culture — Made by Podcasters

What NOT To Do On Social Media Sites

Interactive Insight Group’s Superlist of What Not to Do

What not to do with each social media tool: The Ultimate Social Media Etiquette Handbook

Additional Reference

Interactive Insights Group’s 100 Resources to Boost Your Social Media Savvy in 2009 is a wonderful resource for using social media.

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6 responses to “Social Media Etiquette Roundup: Understanding Cultural Norms

  1. This is a phenomenal compilation that I appreciate. I only started blogging and online social networking within the last six months and I love these type of educational posts that take a lot of work to put together.

    I am mentioned here, but that is not the reason that this is valuable.

    Thank you.

    Iyabo Asani

  2. Wow, what an excellent resource! Thanks so much for compiling this

  3. Thank you for this! You can learn a lot by doing, but it is nice to not have to make as many mistakes along the way. Maybe I should read the blog commenting etiquette before posting this though…

  4. Great blog topic. Thank you for your work and insight pulling this together.
    Aloha, Roxanne

  5. communityorganizer20

    Thanks so much to everyone for reading and commenting. If you have other links, let me know and I’ll add them. I hope that this will evolve to become an updated, ongoing resource.

  6. I really appreciate how the folks at market OUT LOUD’s Breakaway workshop really got into my business and my challenges. I got real, practical help for my situation

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